Hadar Athletic is not just a brand, but also a factory. We believe that good people and quality materials make the best products. Sometimes that means using the latest technologies to improve our quality, but at other times it means slowing down and doing things by hand.
We put the emphasis on manufacturing on quality and value — and in doing that we are able to offer our products in a wide range of sizes, styles, and colors, so you get the product you’re looking for you. And, yes, we do custom orders.
Our products are all handmade in-house with qualified product makers.
We prioritize re-produce, re-use and recycle in our lean manufacturing production.
We have our own in-house plastic processing.
Artwork options include screen printing, and computer-printed vinyl.

Hadar Athletic works with several mills to obtain the best fabrics for the many products we make. A short description of our major types of fabrics is provided here — complete details and specifications are available if needed for bids or quotes. Have your dealer contact the factory to request information.
All of our vinyl fabrics and most of our nylon fabrics are available in several colors. Additionally, we can often order special colors if the volume of the order and the amount of time available permit us to do so. Since colors cannot be reproduced accurately on computer monitors, we encourage you to obtain color swatches from the factory if color matching is critical.
Hadar Athletic makes products that use several different types of foam. Often, especially with mats, the user must choose between foam types. The properties of each type of foam affect the feel, performance and appropriate use of the product. This page is designed to give the user a general outline of the issues involved in selecting the proper product for the desired activity.
We use three basic types of foam in our products. In addition to the structure of the foam, the weight and density of the foam affect the performance and feel of the product. We try to select the highest quality of the most appropriate type of foam for each product we make based on how that product will be used. All of our foam is tested by the manufacturers, independent labs, and in our in-house testing facilities. This page is designed to give the user a general outline of the issues involved in selecting the proper product for the desired activity.
- Open-Celled Foam is best for low-impact, activities while Closed Cell are great for high-impact activities. Rebond foam is great for low and high-impact activities giving you the best of both worlds.
- Close-Celled Foam, usually Crosslinked Polyethylene Foam, is characterized by air bubbles that are separate from each other. In general, it has a harder surface feel but is better at absorbing impacts than open-celled foam.
- Rebonded Foam, sometimes called bonded foam, is a recycled foam that is made by grinding old foam into small bits and bonding them back together.
Hadar Athletic provides nylon and vinyl-covered athletic equipment in any of the colors shown below. However, you should be aware that the colors shown here are approximations only. Computer monitors vary in the way they display colors, and perception of color may change due to background and lighting conditions. Color swatches are available from the factory upon request.
- Football Equipment Colors
- Wall Mat & Other Equipment Colors
- Digital Print Standard Colors – These are our standard print colors if color codes are not provided.
Contact Us
If you’d like to order a sample, please contact us and request one in the desired color.
Additional colors are available when you order in sufficient quantity with ample lead time. Contact the factory for details.